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Showing posts from 2016

Catholic "church" is actively fighting for more gun restrictions in every state..

4 states pushed through tighter gun control which the Catholic church favored Voters reject nearly all ballot measures on issues of Catholic concern International Workers' Day supporters gather in downtown Los Angeles May 1 to raise awareness about minimum wage and immigration issues. (CNS/Vida-Nueva/Victor Aleman) Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service  |  Nov. 10, 2016 In this year's election, voters went against nearly all of the ballot initiatives backed by Catholic leaders and advocates, except the referendums on minimum wage increases and gun control measures. Voters passed an assisted suicide measure in Colorado and voted in favor of the death penalty in three states and in favor of legalized recreational marijuana in four ...

Pope Francis appoints outspoken anti-gun bishops as new U.S. cardinals

From Pope Francis, shown above in his visit to the White House last summer, has named his first Catholic cardinals from the U.S. over the weekend. (Photo: AFP) Two of the first U.S. Catholic bishops elevated by Pope Francis to the rank of cardinal have been forthright in their feelings towards increased gun control. On Sunday, the Vatican announced 17 new cardinals that would be made official at the Nov. 19 consistory at the Holy See. The appointments include three Americans: Archbishops Joseph Tobin of Indianapolis and Blase J. Cupich of Chicago, as well as Kevin Farrell, who was the Bishop of Dallas until September. Both Cupich and Farrell — who is currently the Pope’s Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life in Rome — have been publicly frank about gun control. Last October, Cupich, current head of the 2.3 million Catholics of the Archdiocese of Chicago, delivered a scathing call to action against guns that was published in The Chicago...

Governor Andrew Cuomo, The Catholic cultist who hates the 2nd Amendment while covering for Catholic Pedo-Priests and Homosexuals

Cuomo the Cult-Puppet Gov. Cuomo leaves Child Victims Act off end-of-session letter for legislature Link Cuomo Planning Role in National Gun Control Campaign Link Governor Cuomo Announces Executive Actions Banning Coverage of Conversion Therapy Link Like Father, Like Son: " Mario Cuomo: "Catholic Intellectual and Friend of [Jesuit] Fordham" Link Governor Mario Cuomo and former President Joseph O’Hare, S.J., in 1989. Cuomo (Andrew) was presented with the group’s National Equality Award on Saturday night and told an audience his action “rejected fundamentally the absurd notion that being gay is a psychiatric disorder." New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Boycotts North Carolina over Anti-L.G.B.T. Law Link “We will not stand idly by as misguided legislation replicates the discrimination of the past.” ~Cuomo (In other words, he wants to put women and children in danger by letting freaks into bathrooms of the oppostie sex. what a creep!) Sepa...

Archbishop Cupich on city’s gun violence: ‘We can’t continue this way’

Archbishop of Chicago, City with some of the toughest gun legislation and yet highest gun violence statistics wants to "help" CHICAGO -- Archbishop Blase Cupich today weighed in on the city’s gun violence problem. Chicago’s Catholic leader called on the people of Chicago to get involved in the anti-violence movement and he’s prepared to lead the charge. “I really believe people in Chicago want the best for the city,” Archbishop Cupich said. “And if I can be a part of stirring up a greater sense of ownership for the issues that are there, so that we can join hands and get something significant done, then I’m happy to do that and I invite others as well to speak out as well.” And the Archbishop says he needs help. His call to action includes a request that voters contact elected officials and deliver the same message he has for our leaders who can’t seem to find a solution or compromise. “There really is no reason why we need these combat weapons on our str...

Fox’s Greg Gutfeld Lashes Out At The Pope For “Lecturing On Guns” After Orlando

Gutfeld: “If The Vatican Were As Unarmed As Pulse … The Pope Would Not Be Alive” Video GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): "....Now the Pope is lashing out at guns, not Islamism. He says guns circulate too freely. Doesn't he know that ISIS hits soft targets, not hard ones like the Vatican? Its all based on hard versus soft. If the Vatican were as unarmed as Pulse, the club, the pope would not be alive. But ISIS knows that the Pope is surrounded by a military force consisting of 100 plus ex-Swiss soldiers who carry muskets but also sub-machine guns, with heavily armed agents nearby. If that club, Pulse, had three percent of the Pope’s arms, he wouldn't lecturing on guns. The Pope complained that aid and food in few support countries are often blocked, but guns are not. Doesn't he see that if it weren't for armed men from our country, most aid would get nowhere. He says he is pro-life, not here ...

Reverend Pfleger, Care to explain...

I know you supposedly care greatly about firearms getting onto the streets in the city you work (whether it be a lawful citizen or a criminal, there seems to be no difference to you between the two.). So I'd like to know why you wont talk about or get to the bottom of this story below. More specifically, the 45 other guns that this sheriff's deputy bought in your geographical area? Will you track those down? Gun used to shoot 3 Chicago cops traced to sheriff's deputy: sources Three officers were shot in the 3700 block of West Polk Street in the Homan Square neighborhood March 14, 2016. Police said an attacker was shot to death. Jeremy Gorner and Tony Briscoe Chicago Tribune The gun used in the shooting of three Chicago police officers last week has been linked to a former Chicago officer who later joined a police force in the northern suburbs, the Tribune has learned. Chicago police now are trying to figure out how t...