They rejected the treasonous conspiracy against the 2nd amendment by a "broad coalition of students, teachers, school counselors, police chiefs , pediatricians and Catholic clergy demanding" gun control... Source: Republican leaders in the Ohio House and Senate have largely ignored Republican Gov. John Kasich’s appeal for expedited action on his proposal to update the state’s gun laws. But they will be hard-pressed to turn a deaf ear to a broad coalition of students, teachers, school counselors, police chiefs, pediatricians and Catholic clergy demanding a vote on the governor’s packages of reform. Indeed, in a joint letter sent last week to state legislative leaders, the groups representing the police chiefs and others criticized the Ohio General Assembly’s seeming “lack of urgency” in updating Ohio’s gun laws. There are companion bills in the House and Senate containing cha...
The Catholic "church" has been pretty vocal about the fact that they support the complete banning of private gun ownership. These are the articles covering this topic. keywords; Catholic gun control. Jesuit Pope Vatican