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Showing posts from December, 2017

Silent fright: Church Nativity features mass shootings Priest: 'The solution isn't to arm more, it's to disarm and to trust each other'

  Print St. Susanna’s Parish in Dedham, Massachusetts, displays this nativity scene featuring a list of bloody mass shootings to get parishioners talking about gun control (Photo: screenshot) A Catholic church in Dedham, Massachusetts, is showcasing a Nativity scene that features a list of the nation’s 16 bloodiest mass shootings just above the display of baby Jesus, Joseph and Mary. St. Susanna’s Parish  – described as one of the most liberal parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston  – apparently wants to motivate its parishioners to take action on gun control. Father Stephen Josoma told Boston’s WFXT-TV 25 that the church is hoping to motivate parishioners to take action on gun violence in the U.S. “We were discussing the gun-control issue and how it seems to be stagnated across the country,” Josoma said. “There’s ci...