Pope Francis criticized weapons manufacturers who call themselves Christians on Sunday. “They say one thing and do another,” he said.
Francis issued his toughest condemnation to date of the weapons industry at a rally of thousands of young people at the end of the first day of his trip to the Italian city of Turin.
"If you trust only men you have lost," he told the young people in a long, rambling talk about war, trust and politics after putting aside his prepared address.
"It makes me think of ... people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn't it?" he said to applause.
He also criticized those who invest in weapons industries, saying "duplicity is the currency of today ... they say one thing and do another."
Francis also built on comments he has made in the past about events during the first and second world wars.
Daniel Acker/Bloomberg
The Pope suggested so-called Christian weapons makers and investors are disingenuous. “People, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn't it," he said.
"The great powers had the pictures of the railway lines that brought the trains to the concentration camps like Auschwitz to kill Jews, Christians, homosexuals, everybody. Why didn't they bomb (the railway lines)?"
Discussing World War One, he spoke of "the great tragedy of Armenia" but did not use the word "genocide".
Francis sparked a diplomatic row in April calling the massacre of up to 1.5 million Armenians 100 years ago "the first genocide of the 20th century," prompting Turkey to recall its ambassador to the Vatican.
Christian Gun Owners Disagree With Pope Francis' Statement That They Are 'Hypocrites'
ReplyDeleteGiven that The Vatican was behind the Holocaust, WWI and II, the Massacre in Croatia and the murder of millions of true Christians, I'd say the Pope certainly has nerve. The Catholic Church cares nothing for decency or morality! It has one aim and one aim only - world domination aka a new world order. Americans better wake up soon. Gun rights are part of a rich Christian heritage - true Christians are not murderers! We use guns responsibly. A gun owner canisters certainly be Christian and has a responsibility befor God to protect his home and family. America when will you wake up? Just because a man wears a white coat and calls himself Christian doesn't mean he is...stop letting the smooth speeches of religionists who are in bed with corrupt politicians fool you!!! Wake Up!!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I oppose gun control and support gun rights, but you just flew over the cuckoo's nest.
DeleteOkay, I oppose gun control and support gun rights, but you just flew over the cuckoo's nest.
Delete"Unknown" seems to be totally unknowing.
DeleteThe original commenter has researched and found these things to be true as have I.
So while I certainly respect the right of this unenlightened person to comment, I question their knowledge base to do so.
The Vatican and her Jesuits are the NWO and will be murdering people who reject their heretical cult teachings, as they implement the Dark Ages with their Inquisition resurrected.
We now have 6 of 9 Catholic Supreme court justices but all 9 are Jesuit educated. A Catholic president Jesuit educated vice president & Catholic speaker. USA Inc a protestant nation??? Not on your life.